Faysal Mroueh at Thkio Ppalies / Nicosia

Europa Europa!

Faysal Mroueh

Set 16 - Oct 14, 2016

2b Kissamou
Nicosia 1040

Radiated Gavdos joins Europe. Civilisation opens its gates: human nature. Crisis Crisis! Oriens-Occidens-Europa! One must flee; astral travel or cyberspace? Back and forth, back and forth. Free the mind. Another gate opens, a temporal glimpse. Official web portal or sixth closest moon to Jupiter? A rhythmic yearning for a different Europe, a Europa! What could've been. A transdimensional queer sensibility, whereby borders, identities and narratives cease to dictate. Log out, despair. Crash land. A chamber that halves itself ad infinitum.

Meanwhile in the chat room Io, the fourth largest Jovian moon, a role-play is proposed. The First Murder in Space by The Crocodile God, The White Crocodile, The Eater of the Dead. A meditation on migration into Space. Unlock the puzzle, a slap in the face, a gram of hash. The next stages of human evolution. The most ambitious and unique penal network ever devised. Nails, human shit and The Wire That Regrows After It Has Been Cut. Never say impossible.

Following his residency at Cemeti Art House in Indonesia, which culminated in the exhibition The Long Arm, Faysal Mroueh delves further into the Galilean moon system.

Text by Peter Eramian

Faysal Mroueh (b. Nicosia, Cyprus, 1987) obtained his BA from the University of Westminster in London and recently completed a postgraduate residency program at De Ateliers in Amsterdam. The works in this exhibition were made possible by the generous support of Dimitre Sarkis and the Mondriaan Fonds.